The Inside Details on The Award Winning IGA Organic Rooftop Farm
Find out the details and lessons learned from the Awards of Excellence Winning IGA Rooftop Farm in Montreal, Quebec, which sells more than 7 tonnes of fresh organic produce in the store below!
Wildflowers: Planting Living Roofs for Native Pollinators Part II
Want to help pollinators? This article provides you with the reasons for supporting pollinators as well as detailed information of families of plants that can support a wide range of pollinators across North America on green roofs.
On The Roof With Urban Agriculture Experts
Henry Gordon Smith, Roxanne Miller and Antoine Troitter share their unique perspectives on the challenges and opportunities associated with the rapid expansion of the ‘agritecture’ sector.
Musings on a Fully Mature Green Roof Market
Ed Snodgrass, a true pioneer in the green roof industry, shares his vision of what it means to have a fully mature green roof market.
Important Spring Maintenance Tips for Northern Green Roofs
Looking forward to Spring 2022: learn about some important spring maintenance tips for your green roof and avoid problems that may arise from a lack of maintenance.
Transforming the Built Environment Through the Smart Combination of Green Infrastructure and Solar Installations in Europe
The European Solar Rooftops Initiative presents a unique opportunity to maximize the impact for cities and citizens promoting the combination of green infrastructure and solar installations on every rooftop and impervious surface where it is economically and technically feasible.
Rooftop Detention Can Save You Money
This article summarizes much of Green Roof Diagnostics’ (GRD) approach to applied research. Of the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic), this article focuses primarily on the last pillar: economic sustainability via a recent case study where one developer was able to save US$540,000 by utilizing rooftop detention technology.
An Overview of Urban Farming Activities in Cities – The Key to A Resilient Future
This is an overview of the many ways in which food is now being produced in cities from mushroom farming to rooftop greenhouses.
In France, a New Law Supports Green Roofs on Buildings
Promulgated on August 24, 2021, the Climate and Resilience Act includes article 101 that strengthens and expands previous laws in favor of implementing green roofs. The French government is taking these additional steps so that green roofs can be implemented more widely, particularly to promote the acceptance of biodiversity and the fight against climate change.
Experimental Evidence for Delayed Stormwater Runoff From Building Roofs Covered With Suspended Vine Canopies
Rainfall interception by the leaf canopies of natural forests are typically 25% of annual rainfall. Promoting canopy interception in the urban environment (e.g., roofs and parking lots) with vine canopies grown on suspended trellises could delay and reduce urban stormwater runoff and suppress peak flows.
Biophilic Design for Schools & More
This article provides an overview of the new products and services being offered by GRHC as well as a list of new members, GRPs and upcoming events over the next quarter.
Eight Key Lessons from the Eye of the Pandemic Storm – Designers Take Note
Some of the hard lessons of the pandemic hold promise for the green roof and wall industry, and for society as a whole, and may help designers respond to the new wave and waves to come.
Award Winning Powderhouse Project: An Exquisite Synthesis of Art and Nature
The Jeffrey L. Bruce Awards of Excellence winning Powderhouse intensive green roof in Somerville, MA illustrates the function and beauty of integrating nature and built form into design. The former elementary school - vacant for 15 years - was brought back to life by a team featuring Recover Green Roofs.
How to Keep Exterior Green Walls Alive in the Winter
There is a growing demand for planting exterior green walls in cold climates, but freezing temperatures can take a toll on plants in these systems. Three experts weigh in to share their winter survival secrets: Joep van Vilsteren of Sempergreen; award-winning green roof and wall designer Randy Sharp; and Lucas Moran of green wall manufacturer New Earth Solutions.
Planting Living Roofs for Native Pollinators (Part I: Sedums)
Green roofs can recover space for pollinators in dense urban environments, where native ecosystems once persisted. This article is the first of several that will focus on the unique role of living roofs made for the preservation of native pollinators - looking at Sedums in particular.
New European Proposal for Energy Performance of Buildings Is a Missed Opportunity for Nature and Well-Being
The European Union’s new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive falls short when it comes to the integration of living architecture, despite widespread public support for having more nature in cities and more government action on climate change.
Why Evapotranspiration and Retention Volumes are the Same
How much water can a green roof retain? The rate at which the roof regains retention capacity is determined by the combined processes of evaporation and transpiration – the evapotranspiration process. This is the driving factor that should be considered for green roof design.
Helping Green Roofs Survive the Winter Months
How green roof plants can survive the freezing, thawing and warming of our winters is a mystery to many, and it has become more complicated due to climate change. Find out how they survive and what you can do to help them adapt to these changes.
The Critical Need for Smart Agriculture for Truly Smarter Cities
Smart cities are anything but smart, if they don’t develop the capacity to feed their residents sustainably. Urban agriculture technology consists of a variety of solutions that can help turn cities smart.
Mind the Edge: How to Select the Best Edging for Your Project
Selecting the proper edging technology for your green roof project takes more thought than you think, with a wide range of materials and functions available to choose from. Proper edging selection involves matching edging material and functionality with the design goals of your project.