CitiesAlive 2022: The Homecoming, Green Infrastructure & Water in a Changing Climate
CitiesAlive 2022 in Philadelphia in November affords us an opportunity to get together, in a homecoming after two years away. We will explore the many facets of living architecture and water management in our changing climate.
Winter Events, Holiday Sale, New Members
Find out about our Winter Holiday Sale which runs until January 15, 2022. You can earn CEUs and take the latest courses, including our GRP bundle at 25% off our regular prices. Find out about our new corporate members and new GRPs. Thanks for your support.
Green Rooftop Parks - Supporting Densification and a Better Quality of Life for Urban Residents
In densely populated cities, land values are often at a premium, and land for parks or urban farms is often too expensive to provide. This makes the provision of roof parks an opportunity for building owners, planners, and politicians to accomplish multiple goals. A review of parks like the Salesforce Transit Center in San Francisco demonstrates how converting air space over infrastructure into roof parks should become more commonplace.
Dr. Nadina Galle on the Internet of Nature
Over the past decade, there has been a lot of talk, research, and pilot projects around the concept of "smart cities", integrating technology into our cities. For the most part, nature, the very foundation on which cities are built, has been left out of these discussions. Dr. Nadina Galle shares with us here her pioneering work on a new concept she calls the "Internet of Nature".
Designing for Maximum Energy and Climate Benefits of Green Roofs
Green roofs and walls can provide a myriad of energy benefits, from moderating heat through the building envelope, to improving solar PV efficiency, to reducing the urban heat island, and more. A new report provides an exhaustive summary and literature review of these benefits and how designers can maximize them on their projects.
“My Neighborhood Is Killing Me” – A Seattle Green Wall is Raised in Hope
In Georgetown, the largest freestanding Green Wall in the Seattle area stands as a banner to community health in action, hiding an ugly concrete barrier. The Green Wall is not only a successful, sustainable structured landscape ‘intervention’ in its inherent functionality, but delivers benefits that satisfy the goals articulated in the participatory design process.
Four Approaches to Making Living Roofs With Native Plants
There is a great potential for and an essential role for making green roofs with native plants. If conservation practices are not taking place at the ground level, or if the native plant communities have already been significantly altered, then living roofs may provide a last chance to support the ecological heritage of the region. This article explores four approaches to make living roofs with native plants.
The Growing Attraction of Agrihoods
A growing number of urban/rural communities are developing this kind of co-operative, food-friendly approach. Instead of building a residential development around a swimming pool, a tennis court or some kind of hard landscaping, more innovative developers are creating “agrihoods” - neighborhoods with a farm as the central focus.
Insight Into Germany’s Green Roof and Wall Market, Trends, and Policy
Green roof pioneer Germany has a green roof market that continues to grow. The building greening sector already provides thousands of jobs - and this employment trend is increasing in line with the growth. Supportive policy and new trends featuring integrated water management and solar PV integration continue to drive the industry.
The Role of Technology in Designing Green Infrastructure
Living in greater harmony with the environment requires that we do our best to understand the environment and design solutions that provide the most benefit and create little or no harm. Technology – such as via monitoring, smart controls, and modeling – contribute immensely to both that understanding and design.
Let’s Put Green Roofs on Schools and Help Students and Teachers
Did you ever have a school assignment growing a seedling? Did you ever do that on the roof of your school building? There is a bill in Congress that could make this a reality for our country’s learners. Not only that, it would help mitigate climate change, reduce the urban heat island, create jobs, and grow our economy for generations to come.
GSA Takes Lead In Green Roof Maintenance
The General Services Administration's Public Buildings Service has over 2.2 million square feet of green roofs on 80 buildings around the country. PBS is currently implementing a comprehensive plan to ensure the long-term maintenance and functionality of green roofs.
Fine Tuning New York City’s Green Roof Tax Abatement Program
New York City’s current Green Roof Tax Abatement (GRTA) Program is the result of an ongoing 13-year stakeholder advocacy effort. A GRTA working group is helping to advocate for improvements to the program which will increase program uptake and green roof benefits.
How the Living Architecture Performance Tool Can Advance Social Equity
Living architecture also offers us an opportunity to right historical environmental injustices and meaningfully engage the communities in which these projects are built. We can leverage green roof and wall investments to achieve not just environmental and economic goals - but also social ones.
Beautiful, Multifunctional, Impactful, and Cost-Effective: Why Greening Cities Should Be a Pillar of Climate Action
In cities, we can reverse climate change trends if we renature urban areas. By interweaving green infrastructure within the built environment, we can tackle some of the effects of human-induced warming locally. At the same time, we can limit further urbanization, which will increase the severity of heatwaves as well as precipitation and resulting runoff intensity.
Container gardens: Possibilities and challenges for environmental and social benefits in cities
Journal of Living Architecture, Volume 8 Number 2 Pages 1-19
Fall/Winter Events, Online Training, New Members
Fall/Winter events, including CitiesAlive; innovative online training; and new GRHC corporate and individual members
What the Children Have To Say About Their School Green Roof Classroom
An anonymous, informal green roof survey completed by 160 students of P.S. 41 in New York City demonstrates the green roof's valuable emotional, social, and educational benefits, even compared to the lower-level playground.
Why I Am Ticked Off About the Climate Crisis
Climate change (and associated weather impacts) is causing milder winters and as a result, increasing tick populations, particularly in Canada and the Northeastern US. Ticks are showing up not only in the countryside but also in urban areas.
Imagining the Ultimate Climate Change Busting Living Architecture....
We asked two experts, an architect, Lois Vitt Sale, and a scientist, Wolfgang Amelung - How Does One Design for Maximum Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Performance of Living Architecture. Their responses illustrate the complex nature of this fundamentally important question.