Doane Stuart School Goes Green with New Rooftop Mushroom Farm Installation

Sourced from News10

The Doane Stuart School hosted Avery Stempel from Collar City Mushrooms who worked with the early childhood, kindergarten, and first grade classes to install a mushroom “farm” on the school’s green roof Tuesday morning.

The garden project was reportedly funded by a $1.4 million New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation grant, and Stempel worked with the students to plant the mushrooms “out of the kindness of his heart.”

Doane Stuart’s Green Roof is said to be the only one of its kind in the region, featuring a 22,000 square foot outdoor meeting area and living laboratory with 60,000 plants from 70 different species.

The space reportedly also offers panoramic views over Albany and the surrounding area. The roof itself is said to dramatically reduce stormwater runoff and heating and cooling costs, and create new habitats for insects and wildlife while offering students a space to connect to nature.

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