Winter 2024: The Innovation Issue

Remarkably, orb spiders, seeing a new opportunity, now spin their circular webs near night lights, which attract flying insects into their sticky traps. This is an innovation that improves the orb spiders’ chances of survival. Successful innovation requires an idea, its development and implementation. Scaling up green roofs through rapid growth allows us to address the climate crisis. Perhaps no time in human history has the need for innovation been greater, as we close in on the 1.5 degree C planetary warming scientists have warned us about exceeding. On the plus side, our capacity for innovation is enormous – if the necessity for change is in clear sight! Pretending that the climate crisis doesn’t exist through outright denial, misinformation campaigns, or stripping the term from government documents doesn’t make it go away. This simply hamstrings some of our inherent capacity to develop and implement change. Like the tiny orb spiders, if given the opportunity, we too can adapt to help ensure our survival.

Photo: Climate Positive Design


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Green Roof and Wall Industry News


The Living Architecture Monitor is a publication by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, with a mission to increase awareness of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of green roofs, green walls and other forms of living architecture. The Living Architecture Monitor also hosts the Journal of Living Architecture (JLIV), a peer reviewed, scientific journal published by the Green Infrastructure Foundation (GIF).

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