Woman-Owned Green Roof Company Leading the Way
Angie Durhman, GRP
Owner, AD Greenroof LLC
Angie Durhman
This week we are excited to feature Angie Durhman, a national green roof expert and Green Roof Professional (GRP) from the Geater Minneapolis -St. Paul area. Angie is the owner of AD Greenroof LLC, a full-service green roofing company that offers design, maintenance, research and consultation for green roof and other infrastructure projects. Angie has over eighteen years of professional green roof experience with a background in horticulture, roofing, landscape and construction! She has designed and installed approximately 55 acres of vegetated roofing across the United States including notable projects such as the Target Center in Minneapolis.
Why did you decide to become a GRP?
I was in the first group to receive GRP designation. While I am not a licensed architect or landscape architect, I thought it would show other professionals I am a subject matter expert in the green roof industry. After receiving a Masters where I studied green roof plant performance, I was really happy to have passed the GRP exam on the first try! I also believe the designation brings more legitimacy to the green roof industry.
How has it enhanced your career?
As a self-employed consultant, I am able to stay on top of industry trends (such as designing for resilience). We write specifications that require having a GRP on staff, which has helped limit competition. In addition, I've been hired by companies to educate their staff on the industry and who the "players" are so our clients can decide if they want to bring their products to the green roof market.
New installation by AD Green Roof LLC of a Bio-Solar roof, the first one in the region
How else has the GRP designation contributed to your work?
Having worked in the industry for 18+ years, I have seen many crazy designs! Not all of them have come to fruition, but a creative team can bring concepts that will eventually meet budgets. I have always been conscious of how projects can be executed and maintained, I don't like to see any rooftop failures! I also think it's important to apply the knowledge from the GRP training series throughout the year by going up on green roofs. Just passing a test doesn't make you fully understand these systems.
It's always a fun time seeing industry colleagues over the years at the GRHC conferences, like CitiesAlive! I enjoy networking with new and old colleagues to evaluate their latest interests. You never know what will lead to the next partnership.
Green Roof Professionals are industry recognized as having the most extensive knowledge of green roofs due to the rigorous training and exam process. The GRP training series and exam is available online through the Living Architecture Academy. Learn more about Green Roofs for Healthy Cities or how to become a Green Roof Professional.