Designing Green Roofs for Biodiversity
Thoughtful green infrastructure projects, including green roofs and living walls, are one important strategy to provide crucial habitat in cities. Although many specifics vary by region and climate, there are several basic things to consider when designing for biodiversity on green roofs and other green infrastructure.
Planting Living Roofs for Native Pollinators (Part I: Sedums)
Green roofs can recover space for pollinators in dense urban environments, where native ecosystems once persisted. This article is the first of several that will focus on the unique role of living roofs made for the preservation of native pollinators - looking at Sedums in particular.
Four Approaches to Making Living Roofs With Native Plants
There is a great potential for and an essential role for making green roofs with native plants. If conservation practices are not taking place at the ground level, or if the native plant communities have already been significantly altered, then living roofs may provide a last chance to support the ecological heritage of the region. This article explores four approaches to make living roofs with native plants.
Designing and Planting Climate Resilient Green Roofs
Through the use of tactics and strategies found in nature, green roofs can be designed to adapt to the inevitable cycles and stresses that climate can impose. This overview of ecosystem approaches shows how green roofs can be planted and designed for resilience, especially in hot, arid climates.