Episode 8 - Replicating Ecologies with Dusty Gedge

Replicating Ecologies with Dusty Gedge
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

This episode, Sustainable Futures sits down with noted ecologist Dusty Gedge, president of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations, to discuss fostering biodiversity through urban naturalization, developments in bio-solar technologies, and his background as a lifelong birder. Join us for a conversation on his life as a passionate bird watcher, his career advocating for biodiverse green infrastructure, and the imperative of addressing the climate crisis for future generations.




Dusty Gedge
President, European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations
Associate, Gentian Ltd

Dusty Gedge is an internationally recognized designer, technical and policy advisor in green infrastructure and biodiversity enhancement in the UK and abroad, with 25 years of experience. A published author, he has been instrumental in writing strategic reports on both green roofs and green infrastructure, the most recent of which was the new London Green Roof Report.

He is also the President of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations (EFB), a role which he has held for 13 years, which has enabled him to use his talents and experience to have an impact on urban nature and climate resilience through the introduction of multi-functional green infrastructure. Through the Federation he is actively involved at an EU level on nature-based solutions and biodiversity, especially in urban areas.


Steven Peck, GRP, HASLA
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

Steven spearheaded the first green roof demonstration project on Toronto City Hall 20 years ago and the mandatory green roof policy in Toronto a decade ago.  This innovative policy has resulted in more than 6 million additional square feet of green space across the city. Due to Steven’s work, GRHC has helped to win green roof policy victories in San Francisco, Washington, DC; Portland, Oregon; and Denver, Colorado.  Steven also founded Green Infrastructure Ontario coalition to bring together organizations that share an interest in the protection and development of green infrastructure in Ontario. In 2007 he co-founded the World Green Infrastructure Network, an international organization that promotes the use of green infrastructure around the world.


Episode 9 - Biodiversity and the Role of Insects


Episode 7 - Food, Social Justice, and Community Healing