Episode 20 - Modeling Inclusive Urban Revitalization with Mitchell Cohen

Modeling Inclusive Urban Revitalization with Mitchell Cohen
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

In this episode, Sustainable Futures sits down with activist, developer, and President of the Daniels Corporation Mitchell Cohen, as he details his work in the redevelopment of the critically underserved and disadvantaged Toronto community of Regent Park. Mitchell shares his experiences working in community development in Montreal, and how that eventually led him to spearhead the $1.5 billion revitalization project. Through an emphasis on affordability, community preservation, and resilience, his work in Regent Park has transformed the neighborhood from one of neglect and inattention to a thriving and inclusive community with deep connections to history and place for those who live there, fulfilling a 75 year vision for the community. Join us for a conversation on how affordability and preservation can be prioritized while growing our communities for the future of urban growth.

You can find Mitchell’s book Rhythms of Change - Reflections on the Regent Park Revitalization at all major retailers.




Mitchell Cohen
The Daniels Corporation

Mitchell Cohen is President and CEO of The Daniels Corporation. For over 30 years, Cohen’s leadership has carried Daniels through several real estate market cycles. Under his leadership, Daniels has developed into a strong brand with residential offerings for people at all stages of life. Dedicated to community, Daniels helps people achieve homeownership through its programs and supports numerous charities and non-profit organizations. Mr. Cohen has a MA in Social Psychology from the London School of Economics, and a BSc Psychology from McGill University.


Steven Peck, GRP, HASLA
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

Steven spearheaded the first green roof demonstration project on Toronto City Hall 20 years ago and the mandatory green roof policy in Toronto a decade ago.  This innovative policy has resulted in more than 6 million additional square feet of green space across the city. Due to Steven’s work, GRHC has helped to win green roof policy victories in San Francisco, Washington, DC; Portland, Oregon; and Denver, Colorado.  Steven also founded Green Infrastructure Ontario coalition to bring together organizations that share an interest in the protection and development of green infrastructure in Ontario. In 2007 he co-founded the World Green Infrastructure Network, an international organization that promotes the use of green infrastructure around the world.


Episode 21 - Getting Deep in the Soil with Molly Meyer


Episode 19 - Intersecting Ecological and Human Health with Kathleen Wolf