Episode 15 - Integrating Food Systems in the Urban Landscape with Sabine O'Hara

Integrating Food Systems in the Urban Landscape with Sabine O'Hara
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

In this episode, Sustainable Futures sits down with professor, researcher, and advocate Dr. Sabine O’Hara to discuss urban agriculture, food justice, and the fostering of a better relationship with the products that sustain us. Dr. O’Hara’s work has focused on enhancing food equity, promoting health and wellbeing through sustainable food systems, and enhancing urban sustainability with the ability to sustain itself. She has consistently focused on the enhancement of local communities through a diverse array of sustainable food programming and access. Join us for a conversation on food, agriculture, and community resilience with the power of green infrastructure.

Get a copy of Sabine’s new book Food Justice in American Cities: Stories of Health and Resilience on Amazon




Dr. Sabine O’Hara Ph.D
University of the District of Columbia

Dr. Sabine O’Hara is a teacher, mentor, researcher and administrator committed to improving lives in underserved communities. She currently leads an innovative PhD program in Urban Leadership & Entrepreneurship at the University of the District of Columbia, which is the only public university in Washington DC and the only exclusively urban Land-grant University in the United States. Prior to her current appointment she served as the founding Dean of the College of Agriculture Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES) and led the University’s efforts to build a cutting-edge model for urban agriculture and urban sustainability that integrates training in the agricultural, environmental and health sciences with the practical aspirations of students and residents to embark on successful careers in the green innovation economy.


Steven Peck, GRP, HASLA
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities

Steven spearheaded the first green roof demonstration project on Toronto City Hall 20 years ago and the mandatory green roof policy in Toronto a decade ago.  This innovative policy has resulted in more than 6 million additional square feet of green space across the city. Due to Steven’s work, GRHC has helped to win green roof policy victories in San Francisco, Washington, DC; Portland, Oregon; and Denver, Colorado.  Steven also founded Green Infrastructure Ontario coalition to bring together organizations that share an interest in the protection and development of green infrastructure in Ontario. In 2007 he co-founded the World Green Infrastructure Network, an international organization that promotes the use of green infrastructure around the world.


Episode 16 - Leading Climate Action with Cynthia Rosenzweig


Episode 14 - Seeing the Future of Agriculture with Dickson Despommier