GSky Receives Biophilic Design Awards from I-Plants Magazine

The I-Plants Magazine’s 2021 Biophilic Design Awards recognizes the best from the plantscaping industry. Judged from a biophilic design point of view, the focus is to award those that show exemplary incorporation of biophilic design in their projects.

The contest provides a platform for plantscaping professionals to share their work on a global stage. Projects are judged by a select group of biophilic design experts in the interior landscaping field. All entries are blind judged and scored on their own merit.

GSky won in the following categories

Platinum Award Green Walls & Vertical Gardens, Exterior

$100,000.00 - $250,000.00

Project: The Offices at 4th & 5th IPIC Entertainment



Platinum Award Green Walls & Vertical Gardens, Interior


Project: USG Biomedical Sciences and Engineering facility at the Universities of Shady Grove



Gold Award Green Walls & Vertical Gardens, Interior


Project: Opel Grand Resort & Spa



Gold Award Green Walls & Vertical Gardens, Interior


Project: BC College of the Rockies



Gold Award Green Walls & Vertical Exterior


Project: Flagler Residence

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