Four Innovations Preparing Cities For Climate Change

Sourced from World Economic Forum

In the fight against climate change, cities matter. Today, over half of humanity lives in cities and by 2050 seven in ten of us will be urban dwellers. So what can be done to prepare cities for climate change?

As delegates gather for the COP 27 global climate conference in Sharm El Sheikh, a new report from climate disclosure group CDP says four out of five of the world's cities face significant climate hazards such as extreme heat, heavy rainfall, drought, and flood in 2022.

A quarter of them expect the hazards to increase in intensity and frequency by 2025 while almost one in three are facing climate threats so severe that they will impact at least 70% of their populations, says the report.

But almost two-thirds of cities are taking steps to adapt to climate change and CDP says these actions are already having spin-off benefits such as improving air quality, creating jobs, improving social inclusion and enhancing biodiversity.

Action by cities has the potential to make a big difference. Although they cover only 3% of the Earth’s surface, cities generate 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Innovations that can curb climate change

Here are some of the innovations that are helping cities prepare for climate change.

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