How to Flourish During Stressful Times
How to overcome the shock doctrine, manage stress, and flourish during chaotic political times. These approaches promote well-being while fostering resilience and positive change.
Ten Tips to Help You Take Advantage of the Healing Powers of Living Architecture and Nature
Explore ways you may receive the most health and well-being benefits of your time in living architecture and natural green spaces, and learn about outstanding projects that can deliver these health benefits.
Ten Design and Engineering Strategies for Managing Stormwater on Green Roofs
Climate change intensifies storms, overwhelming stormwater infrastructure, causing flooding, property damage, and loss of life. Solutions include green and blue roofs, and "sponge cities" to improve stormwater management.
Why the Climate Crisis Requires 21st Century-Like Victory Gardens and High Tech Solutions
This article begins to make the case for increased public policy and private investment on a wide range of approaches to producing food in our urban environments in the face of climate change threats to food security.
Seven Innovations That Are Speeding the Adoption of Living Architecture Technology
This article explores developments like modified native plant species, blue-green roof systems, bio-solar roof technology, slope stabilization, new plant species, maintenance technology, and innovative green infrastructure policies. These innovations aim to enhance sustainability, stormwater management, and biodiversity in urban environments.
Why An Integrated Approach to Urban Water Management is Key to the Future of Our Cities
The article delves into the evolving challenges of urban water management amid climate change and urban development, advocating for an integrated approach that treats stormwater as a valuable resource, emphasizing adaptation and integrated and holistic approaches to managing urban water.
Five Reasons to Incorporate Biodiversity into Your Green Infrastructure Designs and How To Begin Doing It
Discover the importance of biodiversity and how to reconnect with it in your living architecture projects. Learn practical steps to incorporate biodiversity and enhance the value of your designs for a sustainable future.
Five Reasons Why We Are Not Separate From Nature and Why It Matters
Discover five somewhat surprising reasons we are not ‘separate’ from nature, but deeply interconnected, and how this knowledge can help us improve the design of our buildings and communities.
Ten Innovations in North America’s Green Roof and Wall Industry
Ten diverse innovations in living architecture - ranging from technologies and research to project certification and policy - plus trends and recommendations for future endeavors.
Thoughts on Innovation and the Living Architecture Industry, On the Roof With… Dr. Anna Droz
Find out what innovation means and how it takes place in the green roof industry with Anna Droz from LiveRoof and LiveWall.
On the Roof With… Philadelphia Water Department’s Commissioner and CEO Randy E. Hayman
Ten years in, the Commissioner and CEO of the Philadelphia Water Department, Randy Hayman, reflects upon the successes and challenges of implementing the multi-billion dollar award winning green infrastructure focused Green City, Clean Waters plan in advance of his keynote address at CitiesAlive on October 16.
Towards Net Zero Water - For Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities’ founder, Steven Peck discusses addressing water management in a holistic manner in development projects.
Why You Should Incorporate Biodiversity Into Your Next Project
The widespread use of living architecture can help us build more bridges between the artificial and natural worlds, opening up new possibilities for urbanites to connect to nature and support conservation.
On the Roof With The Father of Green Roof Biodiversity Research
Dr. Stephan Brenneisen, the father of green roof and biodiversity research discusses how to design green roofs for biodiversity, green roof policy in Basel Switzerland and his future plans.
Eight Reasons to Include Food Production in Your Next Building for Project Designers and Developers
Over the past 20 years, a wide range of economic, social and ecological benefits have resulted from integrating agriculture and architecture into new and existing building projects. This is a quick review of eight main benefits of these projects with examples from North America and around the world.
Eight Key Lessons from the Eye of the Pandemic Storm – Designers Take Note
Some of the hard lessons of the pandemic hold promise for the green roof and wall industry, and for society as a whole, and may help designers respond to the new wave and waves to come.
Green Rooftop Parks - Supporting Densification and a Better Quality of Life for Urban Residents
In densely populated cities, land values are often at a premium, and land for parks or urban farms is often too expensive to provide. This makes the provision of roof parks an opportunity for building owners, planners, and politicians to accomplish multiple goals. A review of parks like the Salesforce Transit Center in San Francisco demonstrates how converting air space over infrastructure into roof parks should become more commonplace.
Why I Am Ticked Off About the Climate Crisis
Climate change (and associated weather impacts) is causing milder winters and as a result, increasing tick populations, particularly in Canada and the Northeastern US. Ticks are showing up not only in the countryside but also in urban areas.
Finding Personal Restoration During the Ongoing Pandemic – Through Nature
As we all continue to adapt to the negative impacts of the Pandemic, many of us have instinctively sought refuge in green space. City parks report unprecedented levels of visitors, campsites in regional parks are already booked solid, rental cottages in short supply and even gardening supply sales have boomed.
A Tribute to a Rare Treasure - Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (1921 - 2021)
This June, Cornelia Hahn Oberlander will celebrate her 100th birthday. This is not surprising if you have come within a meter or so of the orbit of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander - a rare treasure of a person, bursting with an energy that simply radiates the positive spirit of possibility.