The Case for Rooftop Agrivoltaics: Innovation at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
This feature explores rooftop agrivoltaics, combining food-producing green roofs and solar panels, highlighting research advancements at Colorado State University and their potential to address urban food, energy, and water challenges efficiently.
Healing Above Our Heads? Green Roof Medicinal Herbs
Detailed information about the growing of various herbs on the harsher green roof environment at the Colorado State University Spur Campus.
Year 1 Study: Urban Agriculture Green Roof Media Efficiency and Crop Cultivation
Urban and rooftop farming meets demand for fresh produce. Study at BMC Rooftop Farm explores green roof media's impact on crop cultivation, energy use, and water retention. Initial findings and future directions discussed.
How Growing Media, Fertilizers and Irrigation Impact Rooftop Food Production
This article chronicles research conducted to better understand the relation between growing media content, fertilization and irrigation on rooftop crop yields, an area of research with little peer review work.